
Neighbourhood Admin User Journey

This is for someone who can edit all partners over a wide area.

How it should work

Admin setup

  1. Root admin creates a new User and assigns them to a Neighbourhood (this is a Neighbourhood Admin)
  2. If this is a fresh area, root admin creates a new Site and sets the Owner to this new User

Neighbourhood admin

  1. Receive an email to log in
  2. Log in and set up account
  3. PlaceCal admin menu shows:
    1. Dashboard, which should just show their Site. We could improve this with some first steps e.g. “Create a partner”, “Add a calendar”, “Read the handbook”
    2. Partners, showing nothing or existing Partners already added (works as expected)
    3. Users, showing all Users (we should limit this later somehow) - why can they see users at all
    4. Calendars, showing only Calendars linked to Partners in their Neighbourhood. (works as expected)
    5. Tags, showing all Categories and Facilities (but can’t be edited) - can’t see tags collection
    6. Other admin options hidden ( can also see neighbourhoods)
  4. Creating a new Partner should prevent them from creating one outside their Neighbourhood. (this works)
  5. They can then do the same things as a Partner Admin.