Add a Partner

To add a Partner, click the Add New Partner button. This can be found on the Partners page of the admin interface, or at the top of the Dashboard.

If you can't see the Add New Partner button, you may not have the correct account permissions.

If you think you should have different account permissions, get in touch with the Organiser of your PlaceCal site (contact information can be found on the homepage of your PlaceCal site) or contact the PlaceCal team.

When you click Add New Partner you will be brought to the New Partner page. This is where you can configure the basic information about a new Partner. This process has been simplified to capture the most important information first.

Basic Information


Enter the name of the Partner. This will be the name which is displayed to the public, which will go live on any PlaceCal sites this Partner is associated with as soon as it is added. This should be a name which users of PlaceCal site(s) will be able to understand and recognise. It needs to be more than five characters long.


Partners need to be associated with at least one place. This can be a fixed address if they usually operate from a fixed location, or a service area which can be a Ward or District. Keep this information as specific as possible – limited to where this partner actually runs events rather than the geographical spread of the people they are trying to reach.


If the Partner has a street address where they operate from which is publicly accessible, add it here. If they don't have a fixed address, add a Service Area below.

Service Areas

Choose one or more Service Area(s) from the dropdown. These will usually be the general area the Partner organises events in. If the Partner only organises events in one Ward, try and use that rather than District level information to keep this field as specific and useful as possible. Depending on how the PlaceCal site is configured this will display as either a Ward or District badge in the list of Partners on each site this Partner appears on.

Once you've filled the name and either an Address or Service Area you will be able to save the Partner. Once you hit save, the Partner will appear on any PlaceCal Neighbourhood sites covering the area the Partner is based in.

Saving the Partner from the New Partner page will take you to the Edit Partner page, which is where you can add more information about the Partner (and edit previously submitted information).

Last updated