Configure a Site

If you're a Site admin you can configure the public-facing elements of a PlaceCal site, including what it's called, its description, cover image, as well as other settings about how PlaceCal functions and appears to the public by navigating to the Edit site page.

You can find the Edit Site page by clicking the Edit button under the site you'd like to edit, found under Your sites on your Dashboard. If you can't see anything under Your sites your account may not have site admin permissions.

If you think you should have different account permissions, get in touch with the Organiser of your PlaceCal site (contact information can be found on the homepage of your PlaceCal site) or contact the PlaceCal team.


This field acts as the title of the calendar. It should be short and descriptive, for example 'PlaceCal Norwich' for a Neighbourhood site or 'Climate Justice North East' for a Partnership site.

Place name

This field should be a descriptor for the geographical region the site covers. It should be as accurate and specific as possible, for example 'Norwich' for a site which only shows events in Norwich, or 'the UK' for a UK-wide Partnership site. It should be able to fit into this sentence: We're working with local organisations to create a calendar of everything going on in Place name.


This is a short description (just a few words) which can appear with the name of the site. The default tagline for PlaceCal is The Community Calendar which you are welcome to retain, or customise to fit your site's needs.


Depending on your account permissions, this field will likely not be editable. This is configured by the PlaceCal team when setting up a site. This shows the URL which houses the public-facing PlaceCal site. This is the URL you should share when directing people to your PlaceCal Site.


Depending on your account permissions, this field will likely not be editable. This is configured by the PlaceCal team when setting up a site.

Hero text

Up to 120 characters which will display over the image on the public-facing homepage of your PlaceCal site.


A short description of your PlaceCal site which displays on the public-facing homepage. This should tell visitors in brief about what PlaceCal is and how it's used in your community.


Check this box to advertise this site in this public list of PlaceCal sites, accessible from the PlaceCal homepage. If this box is unchecked your site will not appear in public listings of PlaceCal sites.



Choose a colour scheme for your PlaceCal site. This changes the accent colour of elements of your PlaceCal site's UI, for example the colour of links.

Upload a .svg or .png file to display in the top left of your PlaceCal site. This should be a simple image which represents your Site. When setting up a new site, the PlaceCal team will make a logo using your site's name, which should be uploaded here by default.

Logos should have no whitespace above and below them -- please crop to the exact height of the image or it'll look smaller than it should.

Upload a .svg or .png file to display in the footer of your PlaceCal site. This should be a simple image which represents your site. When setting up a new site, the PlaceCal team will make a logo using your site's name, which should be uploaded here by default.

Hero image

Upload a .jpg, .jpeg or .png file to display on the homepage of your PlaceCal site, and in the public listings on the PlaceCal homepage if your site is published. This can be any image which represents your site.

Hero image credit

Enter the credit for whoever took your hero image. Please only use images you have permission to use, or which are in the public domain.

Hero alt-text

Enter suitable alt-text which describes the content of your hero image. Be accurate and concise. Here's a blog post with tips on writing good alt text!

Neighbourhood information

Depending on your account permissions you might not be able to edit all of the fields in this section. If you need to amend the information in fields which you're not able to directly edit, contact the PlaceCal team.

Main neighbourhood

This defines the area covered by your PlaceCal site. It should be as accurate and specific as possible. This is configured by the PlaceCal team when setting up a site.

Neighbourhood information display

This setting tells PlaceCal how much detail to show on the list of Partners associated with your site. By default this is set to Ward, but for sites which cover larger areas it might be useful to set this to display the District.

Other neighbourhoods to include

This adds other geographical regions to your PlaceCal site. This can be particularly useful for sites which handle a lot of edge cases—groups based just on the other side of a jurisdictional boundary but which commonly serve the community served by the PlaceCal site.

Last updated